Local Seminars

Learn about how to plan for your future and set up an Estate Plan that is right for you.

At TrustWorks, we specialize in compassionate and custom estate plans, prioritizing the protection of our clients and their families. With a focus on personalized care, we guide you through the estate planning process with empathy and understanding.

Our unique process begins with a free local seminar, where we demystify the complexities of estate planning and offer valuable insights. This seminar is the first step on your journey to securing your family's future. At TrustWorks, we're here to simplify the process and provide you with the tools and knowledge you need to protect what matters most.

Upcoming Seminars

Here are just a few of the topics we will cover:

Knowing the right kind of law that impacts your estate plan.

How to meticulously plan for unique family circumstances.

How to plan for incapacity and illness so your family does not have to go to guardianship court.

How to protect your beneficiaries from losing inherited assets.